BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.6// VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20200919T071519CEST-5587EUisVb@ DTSTAMP:20200919T051519Z CATEGORIES:Events DESCRIPTION:Levblockchain LVE will facilitate young\, passionate people wh o are working on blockchain projects and products. Many of Greek Developer s abandoning because of the country’s educational erroneous infrastructu re and frozen economic growth. we have been investing in properties for ou r DAO to be hosted and provide free offices\, internet \,computers \,mine rs and every tool for passionate new startup teams of Blockchain Educators \, Hardware technicians \,Market analysts and new developers to grow and expand Levblockchain LVE and invest for Real-world problem solving Blockc hain adoption.\n DTSTART:20190801T000000 DTEND:20200326T000000 LOCATION: SUMMARY:Levblockchain END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR