
July 4, 2019

July 4, 2020

ICO Information

ICOs Description

Silvertoken (SLVT) is digital money that serves as proof of ownership of investor grade silver stored in secure vaults. Unlike government currency, SilverTokens are fully backed at all the times and can be redeemed for physical silver at any time.

SLVT can be used to complete transactions just as any other form of money, but its value is stable as it is directly tied to silver — it can’t be devalued by anyone like government currency.

Its value increases. Transaction fees are used to add to the silver backing the tokens. This means the more SLVT is used, the more silver your tokens are worth.

The silver is stored in a network of vaults around the world. It is fully insured by an insurance policy underwritten by Lloyd’s of London to maximize investor security. Your wealth stays protected, no matter what happens.

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