
February 28, 2019

May 1, 2019

ICO Information

ICOs Description

A consensus among cryptocurrency users is that the handling of currency should be simplified and enhanced. Furthermore, because of the complexity of decentalized systems, users and investors have had little recourse securing enough knowledge to properly quantify their investments. The interface offered by tokenized environments and their dApps can promote better user implication by presenting the information in more ergonomic, familiar and pedagogical ways. Because of this, VDex is a decentralized exchange with the user and community in mind. Using some of the most recent paradigms and established protocols for security, ease of use and multi asset support, this low friction peer-to-peer exchange abides by open standards and ensures a harmonious and seamless flow among decentralized applications. Through the use of Verto, a versatile and highly customizable crypto wallet, VDex provides easy to use options for security, anonymity and speed of payment. Open order books support integration with other decentralized exchanges, in effect producing a massive decentralized exchange of exchanges, contributing to the liquidity and effectiveness of all the connected exchanges. VDex is also a pillar in the Volentix ecosystem, a network of DApps whose synergy promotes greater liquidity for users while simplifying and enriching user experience, providing comfort for users, and maximizing security of user transactions.

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